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We experimented with trying to slide our pussies from side to side and back to front as we pedalled, but it was difficult in such a small space.Having our enthusiasm boosted we went and put some shoes and a dress on and set off not knowing where we were going. We’d both put on a dress that was so short that we couldn’t sit on it and that flapped about in the wind that we generated.We took it in turns to go in front to see just how much the other’s dress flapped about in the wind and we were happy to see the butt crack, right up to the waist, of the one in front. We giggled at the thought of drivers coming up behind us, seeing our bare butts and knowing that we were knickerless.The dresses were bunching up at front as well but we couldn’t see our slits so we didn’t think about, That is until we stopped at a road junction and had to put 1 foot on the ground. A car came alongside and the workman in the passenger seat had his head turned looking at the very top of our legs right until. Granted, he had become the master of the palm-muted technique, developing an entirely new style that, if the song were ever recorded, would spawn an entirely new generation of imitators. The problem was that a modified palm-muted piece was still a palm-muted piece, which meant it was too up-tempo to mix well with a piano, which meant it would not fit Intemperance's signature sound."Where does Nerdly's piano fit into all this?" Jake asked when Matt first introduced the piece to them."We'll put some in," Matt said. "We'll do tempo changes between the chorus and the verses that'll slow down enough for piano work and then the entire bridge can be nothing but piano and your acoustic guitar." But during the bulk of the song, no piano at all?" Nerdly asked."That's right, Nerdly," Matt said, glaring at him. "No fuckin' piano at all. Do you need to be in the fuckin' spotlight every goddamn second?"Jake and Nerdly looked at each other with concern and then simply shrugged. They played the song.
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